Adding and Updating Users through File Import

Adding and Updating Users through File Import

Guhroo allows client-admin users to add or update their users by importing them with a spreadsheet. For existing users, this is an easy way to update multiple fields and/or multiple users very quickly. If you’re adding new users, you also have the option to send them an invitation email at the same time.

Step 1: Prepare your Data

In order for Guhroo to add or update your users, your data will need to be a readable format. The filetype must be an XLS, XLSX, or CSV, and the format of the headers and values must follow the structure in the table below. If the headers do not follow this format, or extra headers that are not listed below are added, the import will fail.

Below are the accepted headers and data formats. Headers are all case-insensitive.

Step 2: Import your Data

Once your spreadsheet is ready, go to the My Team page to start the import. At the top right of the page under the Search field is the “Import CSV” button. Click this to open the import process.

Inside the large box that says "Click here or drag files to upload", click to open the file finder, or simply drag your file onto the box to add the file. If you are adding new users and want them to receive an invitation email to set up their account, check the box “Send Invitation?” Otherwise, leave it blank, and you can choose to send their invitation at a later time through the My Team page.

To finish, click the “Upload Now” button. New users will be added to either the Onboarding Team Members or Pending Invitation Team Members section of My Team depending on whether their invitation was sent during the import.

(Optional) Step 3: Sending invitations 

If you chose not to send an invitation to a new user in Step 2, your users can be found under the Pending Invitation Team Members section of My Team. To generate the invitation email, click “Send Invitation” to the right of their name. They will be moved to the Onboarding Team Members section until they set up their account.

Important notes for updating users:

When you’re updating a user by importing their data, you don’t need to fill out all of their information in order to just update one field. The employee number and email address headers and values are required for both adding and updating users, but aside from them, you can add just the data you want to update. An example might be if an employee moved to a new address, and you wanted to only update their address and zip code. In this case, you would only need the Employee #, Email, Address 1, and Zip headers/values.

If you want to change your employee’s primary email address or employee number, the import feature is not best suited for this task. Instead, it is best to change them through the employee’s Profile.


Use this checklist if the import fails:

Was it a partial or complete failure? 

If it was partial, the system will tell you which employee number failed and generate a spreadsheet with more details on what caused the failure. Use this sheet to correct your data and retry.

If it was a complete failure…

Did the system generate an error spreadsheet? 

If so, use this to correct your data and retry

If no error spreadsheet was generated, check your spreadsheet to see if any extra data was included. Common issues arise from spreadsheets automatically generated from payroll systems that will include:

  • unsupported headers
  • misspelled headers
  • a footer or extra cell values that are not visible unless you scroll to them

If none of these actions solve your issue, create a ticket with support. Depending on the issue, we may ask you to provide a copy of the file that is causing the issue.

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