Approving and managing employee PTO requests in guHRoo HRIS

Approving and managing employee PTO requests in guHRoo HRIS

Accessing the System

To begin managing PTO requests, users must first navigate to the guHRoo HRIS Dashboard. This is accessible via the dedicated URL provided to all registered users. Once logged in, the dashboard presents an overview of various widgets, including the "Time Off" widget.

Managing PTO Requests

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to handle PTO requests using guHRoo HRIS:

  1. View All Requests: Users can see all PTO requests by selecting the “View All Requests” option in the Time Off widget. This displays all pending and processed requests.

  2. Review Details: By clicking on a specific PTO request within the calendar, users can view more details about the submission. This helps in making informed decisions regarding the approval or denial of the request.

  3. Approve or Deny Requests: Each request can be approved or denied with a simple click. The system allows for immediate action, streamlining the decision-making process.

Modifying and Deleting Requests

GuHRoo HRIS also provides flexibility in managing existing PTO requests:

  1. Deleting Requests: If a PTO request needs to be removed, users can select the request and click “DELETE.” This removes the request from the system entirely.

  2. Adding New Requests: To add a new PTO request, users click “ADD REQUEST” and fill out the necessary fields such as start date, end date, hours, employee selection, and type of time off. Additional comments can also be added to provide context to the request.

  3. Submitting and Approving New Requests: After filling out the details, the request is submitted for approval. The approval process mirrors the initial review, where a request can be quickly approved by clicking “APPROVE.”

Below is a step-by-step walkthrough to assist you and your team with Streamlining Employee PTO Management with guHRoo HRIS:

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