Connecting your HR Portal to your Payroll Relief Account

Connecting your HR Portal to your Payroll Relief Account

To set up the connection to your Payroll Relief account, you will need client-admin access to the Guhroo HR Portal and access to the Integrations area of your Payroll Relief account. Inside your Payroll Relief account, you will find your Payroll Relief API Key which you will copy and then paste into your Integrations settings in Guhroo.

Step 1: Retrieve your Payroll Relief API Key

Using the navigation menu on the left side of your Payroll Relief dashboard, choose the Payroll API Keys option under the Integration tab.

On the Payroll API Key page, you will find the App ID which is a unique key used to identify your client account when using Payroll Relief’s API. Copy the App ID, being sure to capture all characters.

Step 2: Save your API Key in Guhroo

Inside your Guhroo account, navigate to the Integrations page of your Company Settings. Click the Manage Key button on the Payroll Relief line to open the form where you will paste and save your API Key. 


If you have issues sending data to Payroll Relief from Guhroo, try generating a new key inside your Payroll Relief account and save the new value. If the issue is related to the key, one change is enough to fix it, and so if the problem persists after changing the key, please contact support.

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