How to Delete a User

How to Delete a User

Note: Once a user is deleted, this is permanent and cannot be undone, and any data associated with them will no longer be accessible. Proceed with caution!

Deleting a user who has not yet set up their account or finished onboarding

These users are either in the Onboarding process or have been imported via spreadsheet but not yet sent an invitation to create their login. The process to delete either is the same. On the My Team page, find the user you want to delete under the Onboarding Team Members or the Pending Invitation Team Members section. Click the Delete button at the far right, and then Yes to the “Are you sure you want to delete [user name]?” prompt that appears.

Deleting an active user

Before an active user can be deleted, they must be set to inactive. To do this, open their Profile and change their status to Inactive under the Job section. A prompt will appear: “You are going to inactivate this employee account. This employee will no longer be able to login. If you want to proceed, please confirm.” Click Yes, and then save your changes by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page. The user is now inactive and can be deleted. 

Still on the Profile, click the Manage button inside the Personal tab, and then click Delete and then Yes to the “Are you sure?” prompt. Your user is then deleted, and your page will be rerouted to My Team. If you get an error message that your user was unable to be deleted, confirm that their status was saved as Inactive.

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