How to Edit a Time Entry

How to Edit a Time Entry

Step 1: 

Open your timecard by clicking “View/Edit Timecard” in your My Time card on the Dashboard. If you’re an Employee or Contractor, you also have a “Timecard” link in your lefthand menu. If you’re a client admin or a manager, you can find your name under the Timekeeping summary page, and access your timecard by click “View Timecard” beside your name.

Step 2: 

Find the entry you want to change and click the pencil icon.

Step 3:

Make your changes in the form that pops up. 

Employee and Contractor view:

Client Admin and Manager view:

Step 4:

Save your changes. If you are an employee, your change must be approved by a client-admin or manager. On the timecard, your requested entry’s text will have a blue triangle icon while it is pending approval. Once your manager or client admin responds to your request, the triangle will change to green if it was approved or red if it was denied.

Pending request

Approved request

Denied request

If you are a client admin or manager, approval is not required for your edits, and you will see your changes take effect immediately on successful form submit.

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