How to Review and Approve Payrolls in Payroll Relief

How to Review and Approve Payrolls in Payroll Relief


This article guides you through the steps to review and approve payrolls using the Payroll Review screen. The process allows you to verify payroll data, make necessary modifications, and approve the payroll, ensuring accuracy and compliance. Note that this guide does not cover modifying or approving Prior Payrolls.


Accessing the Payroll Review Screen

  1. Navigate to the Payroll Review Screen:
    • After entering and calculating the current payroll data, the Payroll Review screen will appear.
    • Alternatively, go to Payroll Processing > Payroll Review.

Reviewing Payroll Details

  1. Review Payroll Summary:

    • The Payroll Review screen shows a summary of the payroll, including totals for employees paid, checks issued, direct deposits, payroll costs, employee pay, and employer taxes.
  2. View Detailed Payroll Information:

    • Click Details on the action bar to see hours worked, gross pay, net pay, direct deposit amounts, and check numbers for each employee.

Modifying Payroll Data

  1. Modifying Current Payroll:

    • To modify payroll, click Details and select an employee row, or click Modify from the action bar.
    • In the Payroll Modify screen, you can override wages, taxes, and deductions.
      • Check the boxes for Override Wages, Taxes, and/or Deductions.
      • Edit the amounts as needed and click Update Paycheck.
      • To revert changes, deselect the override check boxes and click Update Paycheck.
  2. Disable Direct Deposit for Current Check:

    • In the Payroll Modify screen, select Disable Direct Deposit for this Check to stop direct deposit for the current payroll.

Running Pre-Approval Reports

  1. Generate Pre-Approval Reports:
    • Run the following reports from the Payroll Summary screen:
      • Payroll Register Report: Verifies amounts, deductions, and hours for all employees.
      • Payroll Comparison Report: Summarizes current and previous payrolls to highlight discrepancies.
      • Change Log: Shows changes in employee data and who made them.
    • Use the email icon to send these reports to the employer for verification.

Approving the Payroll

  1. Final Review and Approval:
    • Ensure the payroll data is accurate and the employer has sufficient funds.
    • Click Approve on the Payroll Summary screen.
    • Once approved:
      • Employee and company master files are updated.
      • Paychecks can be printed.
      • Employer liabilities for withholding and unemployment taxes are calculated and scheduled.
      • Direct deposit information is transmitted to banks.
      • Electronic child support payments and compliance payments are scheduled.


  • Modifying a Prior Payroll:

    • Navigate to Payroll Processing > Payroll Entry and select the Prior Payroll.
    • Make changes on the Payroll Entry Worksheet.
    • Note: Once a Prior Payroll is approved, it cannot be modified or unapproved.
  • Check Calculation Issues:

    • If discrepancies arise in check calculations, review override settings or use the Payroll Entry Worksheet to correct hours and amounts.
  • Direct Deposit Delays:

    • Ensure approval is completed three business days before the pay date for timely direct deposit processing.

By following these steps, you can ensure accurate and efficient payroll processing, keeping both employers and employees satisfied.