How to set up time tracking

How to set up time tracking

Before you begin, please note that you must be signed in as a client-admin user. These users are the only ones that can access company settings. 

The first step is to set up a “pay frequency.” Since time tracking and payroll are closely intertwined, time tracking in Guhroo is heavily dependent on the company payroll structure. For example, employees who are paid on a biweekly cycle will track their time in biweekly periods. To set up a pay frequency, go to the Company Settings page and choose “Payroll” from the left hand menu.

There are four tabs under Payroll Settings: Pay Types, Pay Frequency, Pay Frequency Settings, and Job Codes. The second tab - Pay Frequency - is where you will set up and manage your pay frequencies. Click the “Add New Pay Frequency” button to get started.

Use the table below to help you fill out the Pay Frequency form:

If you choose Semi-monthly as the frequency, additional fields will appear: “First half start date” and “Second half start date”. This is asking for the beginning dates of two consecutive pay periods. You can choose the current month or a past month, just so long as the dates aren’t more than 25 days apart. For example, if your Semi-monthly frequency runs from the 1st-15th and then 16th-end of month, and the current month is January, your values would be 1/1/20 and 1/16/20. Or if your frequencies run from the 3rd-17th and then 18th-2nd, the values would be 1/3/20 and 2/2/20. Essentially, the system needs two starting input dates in order to understand your frequency pattern.

Hit “Save” to save your new pay frequency. If your company has more than pay frequency to track time, you can add them using the same method as above. Note that only one pay frequency of each type is allowed to be active at one time. For example, you may have one biweekly pay frequency and one semi-monthly, but not two semi-monthly frequencies.

The default time tracking setting is to track time in Hours:Minutes format. If you would prefer a decimal format, you can change this under the next tab on the page, Pay Frequency Settings.

At this point, stop. Double check that the information in your pay frequency settings is correct. Once you assign a pay frequency, and an employee begins to use it to track time, you won’t be able to edit the pay frequency details if they are incorrect. You will need to disable the incorrect one, create a new one, and reassign your employees. The employee time records will remain under the old pay frequency.

The last step in setting up your time tracking settings is to assign some of your users to a pay frequency. You can do this one of two ways: on the employee profile or during the invitation process.

On the Profile: Under the Job tab, assign the Pay Frequency.

During the invitation process: On the Offer Details step, select the Pay Frequency.

Note that if the employee you want to set up is currently already onboarding or has otherwise not activated their account, you won’t be able to access their account to assign their pay frequency until they have finished onboarding or activated their account.

That concludes the guide for how to set up time tracking! If you are interested in learning about how to set up Job Codes and Job Locations to track employee time for specific activities/locations, see this article.

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