PRO - How to Change your Direct Deposit

PRO - How to Change your Direct Deposit

Pro-Software: How to Change Direct Deposit/W4

Pro Software- Login

Welcome to the Pro Software employee dashboard. This article will cover how to change, update, or add information for direct deposit and tax withholding preferences.

Please note: Your dashboard may appear different than the images below.


This is your main dashboard where you can access widgets that have been created based on your company’s needs. You can initiate different actions from this screen such as accessing your profile, benefits information, payroll info, and links to company relevant information. 

To submit a change request-

  1. On the “My Change Request” widget, select New Request
  2. A prompt will open allowing you to select the type of change you would like to request (Direct Deposit, Federal W4, State W4)
  3. Choose the desired option and click “Go”

Once submitted-

Your request will be sent to your employer or guHRoo for approval. You can view the current status of your change request in the My Change Request widget.

Direct Deposit:

On this screen you have the option to add a new account (“plus” icon), edit a current account (“pencil” icon), or cancel a current account (“stop” icon).

Update your current direct deposit settings and click on the submit button at the bottom of the screen.

Federal W4:

On this screen you can update your federal tax withholding preferences. All changes will be submitted based on the 2020 or later W4 form. You will be asked to place a signature and the last 4 of your social security number on this page as this will be a document submission.

State W4:

On this screen you can update your state tax withholding preferences. 

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