Once you have the AutoLunch Processing Rule activated, you will need to set the parameters in the Employee’s file.
In the Employee Setup, choose the employee or employee(s) (select multiple checkboxes at the left) you would like to work with. At the bottom of the employee’s setup page you will see that you have two new fields enabled. Determine the amount of hours needed to work to initiate a lunch for the employee. In this case, 5 hours of work results in a 60 minute automatic deduction.
Download Activity Files
Select pay period to see Accrual Balances
Beside File format name, enter evolutionpto for basic information on EE’s PTO. This command will prompt the system to display EE Code, Type, and Amount.
In addition, you can enter evolutionpto2 in File format name to display more detailed information. This command will prompt the system to display EE Number, Last Name, First Name, PTO Type, Beginning Balance, Accrued, Used, and Ending Balance.