Sending Employee Information to Payroll Relief

Sending Employee Information to Payroll Relief

Once your Payroll Relief integration is complete, client-admin users can export employee information to their payroll account from their Guhroo dashboard. See this article for information on how to connect your Payroll Relief account.

Please note that exporting contractor users is not currently supported.

Only users who have the following attributes are able to be exported:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Employee Number
  • Phone Number
  • Social Security Number
  • Zip Code
  • State
  • Employment Type (full time/part time)
  • Compensation Type (salary/hourly)
  • Currently active or onboarding

Exporting your users:

On the client-admin dashboard, find the Integrations card (example shown below). If you don’t see the card, ensure that 1) you are logged in as a client-admin and 2) your API Key was saved successfully during the connection stage. 

Click the Sync button to open the form where you will choose which users to send to Payroll Relief. If you do not see all of your users on the list, check that they meet the criteria listed above. Once you have selected your users, click the Sync Users with Payroll Relief button to start the process. The process might take a few moments to complete, depending on the amount of data to send.

Once the export is complete, you will receive a confirmation that the export was successful or a warning if it failed. If it fails due to an issue with the employee data, an error spreadsheet will be generated that you can use to correct your data and try again. If the failure is not related to the data, see the troubleshooting notes in the setup guide.

Full list of all employee information that is sent during export:

  • Employee Number
  • Social Security Number
  • First Name
  • Middle Initial
  • Last Name
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Gender
  • Date Of Birth
  • Email
  • Active
  • Salaried (True/False)
  • Full-time (True/False)
  • Exempt (True/False)
  • Hire Date
  • Termination Date
  • W-4 Date
  • I-9 Date
  • Salary Amount
  • Regular Rate Amount (applies to hourly employees)
  • Federal Filing Status
  • Federal Exemptions
  • Federal Additional Withholding
  • Form W4 Step 2 Checked (True/False)
  • Dependents Claim Amount
  • Other Income Amount
  • Other Deductions Amount
  • Phone Number
  • Job Title
  • Direct Deposit account nickname(s)
  • Direct Deposit account number(s)
  • Direct Deposit routing number(s)
  • Direct Deposit percentage(s)/amount(s)
  • Direct Deposit pay order(s)
  • Direct Deposit type(s)
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