Track your Employee's Hours for Specific Jobs or Locations

Track your Employee's Hours for Specific Jobs or Locations

Setting up Jobs Codes and Locations

To set up a job code, go to the Payroll section under Settings. Under the Job Codes tab, click the “Add Job Code” in the top right of the tab. Give your Job Code a title and a payroll code, and leave the Active box checked. The payroll code is a shorthand abbreviation used by some payroll systems to represent a particular billable category. 

To set up a Job Location, go to the Job Locations tab under the Company Profile section of Settings. The process to set up a Job Location is the same as for the Job Code. The Job Location form does not have a payroll code but does include fields for the location’s address.

Once you’ve saved your Job Code or Location, you can edit or delete them. If you change a Job Code or Location to inactive, you will not be able to assign it to any employees, and if it’s already been assigned to someone, they will no longer be able to track their time with that Code or Location. 

If you delete a Job Code or Location, it will be removed from any time records that it is already attached to. This is permanent and cannot be undone. If you want to stop a Code or Location from being tracked by your employees but retain the existing records, either unassign the Code or Location from the employee or set it to Inactive.

Assigning Job Codes and Locations

Codes and Locations are assigned on an employee’s Profile. At the bottom of the Job tab are two fields - Job Codes and Job Locations. Employees can have multiple Codes or Locations assigned to them. Select the Codes or Locations from the dropdown list or start typing in the field to choose your desired Code/Location.

Once an employee has a Code or Location assigned to them, they will be prompted to choose the appropriate one (or combination, if they have both a Code and a Location assigned) when they clock in or make changes to their timecard. Job Codes and Job Locations are also visible on the timecard and timetracking report.

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